16th WAPCCO General Assembly ongoing in Abuja - Nation News Lead

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16th WAPCCO General Assembly ongoing in Abuja

The 16th General Assembly of the West African Police and Security Chiefs Committee (WAPCCO) has opened in Abuja.

The three-day meeting, which is taking place at the National Universities Commission (NUC), is being attended by fifteen countries.

The countries are Bukina Faso, Cape Verde, Benin Republic, Cote I Voire Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guniea Bissau, LIBERIA, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierras Leone, Togo and Nigeria.

ECOWAS commissioner in charge of political affairs and security General Behanzin is representing the ECOWAS chairman.

The meeting, which is being attended by heads of security agencies and representatives of the service chiefs also has the minister for internal affairs General Abduraman Dambazau in attendance among other top dignitaries.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mohammed Idris is the chairman of WAPCCO.

The three-day meeting is aimed at addressing and lasting solution to transnational crimes, especially terrorism, violent extremism, kidnapping, illicit circulation of small arms and light weapons, human trafficking, maritime security, herders and farmers’ conflict amongst others.

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