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Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

I have repeatedly watched the interview video of Timi Dakolo's wife, Busola Dakolo, which unveils the issue of her alleged rape by Pastor Biodun  Fatoyinbo of COZA. I found it disturbing, sodomic and intolerable.
Understandably, I have been troubled since the story broke and that prompts this written reaction. I am all the more pained owing to the fact that the accused, Pastor Biodun Fatoyimbo is a man I am emotionally connected to, and for whom I have a lot of respect, particularly enjoying his teachings.

Legally speaking, no matter the cathartic strength of Busola Dakolo ‘s story it is not in itself sufficient proof of guilt nor a conviction of the pastor. It does, however, seriously calls his person and character into doubt- and it is clearly a matter that mandates a robust public response from him.

I became a passionate follower of Fatoyinbo as a law undergraduate in the University of Abuja around 2010. I attended his services as often as twice a week at ThisDay Dome, the former location of the church. I am naturally not one easily excitable about men of God or church programs but I fortuitously went along to the church for the first time because some female friends of mine had begged me to drop them off. I found myself enjoying the service that very first encounter, and formed the habit of attending his services all by myself.

It is despairing in no small way, thus, to have to repeatedly confront the issue of his alleged infidelity and even worst, rape. It is truly a serious matter that calls for a neutral arbiter and a full hearing on his innocence or lack of same.

It is a vital duty to show responsibility for people  under one’s care to avoid any behavior or omissions that could reasonably be foreseen to cause harm to others. This duty of care and responsibility is unreservedly extended to Pst. Biodun Fatoyinbo which makes it imperative that full investigations be allowed to run its cause to determine his innocence or culpability. 

I have contacted numbers of civil society groups to please take interest and help engage this issues critically so that we may liberate our society from such bondage.

I do extend my commendations to Mrs. Busola Dakolo  for speaking out, and for her sake hope that her claims are provable for it is this that truly matters in our judicial process and not the sentiments evoked by her narration.

Let justice prevail.

Thank you.

Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq. is a Public Interest Lawyers and the Principal Partner at Pelumi Olajengbesi & Co. Law Corridor.

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