Our commitment to technical education is to build our youths for self reliance ~ Oyetola - Nation News Lead

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Our commitment to technical education is to build our youths for self reliance ~ Oyetola

Governor State of Osun Mr Gboyega Oyetola has said that, the reason why vocational training is a cardinal programme of his administration is to equip the citizens particularly the youths for self reliance.

Governor Oyetola dropped the hint on Thursday at the Osun State Polytechnic Iree during the official presentation of the institution's compendium and commissioning of projects executed by the management of the school led by the outgoing Rector, Dr. Jacob Olusola Agboola.

The projects commissioning was part of the valedictory programme in honour of the outgoing Rector who was appointed in the year 2011.

Speaking at the programme held at the multipurpose hall of the institution, Governor Oyetola said his administration is investing heavily in technical education to ensure that,  students and youths in the state are equipped with modern technical training to support Polytechnic education in a quest to make them employers of labour instead of job seekers.

The Governor who was represented by his Deputy, Mr. Benedict Alabi explained that this informed the decision of the state government to repositioning all the nine Technical Colleges in the state  .

According to him, the ongoing infrastructural development in all the state  Technical Colleges is to equip the colleges with modern facilities for technical training in which four out of the nine colleges have already been delivered.

He stated further" vocational training is a cardinal programme and our administration has decided to focus very well on vocational education which this institution is meant for. We very much believe in  equiping  our citizens to make them stand on their own instead of looking for white collar jobs.

"We encourage students and parents to make use of these opportunities and get trained at either the Polytechnic or any of our nine technical colleges", Governor Oyetola said.

He commended the outgoing rector of the citadel of learning, Dr Jacob Agboola and his Management team for the achievements.

Mr Oyetola  tasked the incoming acting Rector to see this as a challenge for him to work harder to be able surpass the achievements with a promise to give necessary support.

He used the occasion to call on students of the institution to ensure proper maintenance of the projects and make judicious use of them for their advancement in learning.

He also stressed the need for them to embrace moral behavior and do away with hard drugs and social vices which could distort their aspirations and negatively affect their future.

In his own remarks, the outgoing rector of the institution Dr. Jacob Agboola said the projects were executed as part of efforts at repositioning the infrastructural development of the institution to a higher pedestal of effective teaching and learning.

According to him, it is a means of enhancing the attainment of the academic goals of the students and as well to fulfill the mandate to provide good working condition for members of staff.

Dr. Agboola stated further that, the achievement was made possible due to the enabling environment and the support enjoined from the state government through its several people oriented policies and programmes.

Some of the  projects commissioned  on the two campuses of the institution included, entrepreneurship education complex, Block of Lecture halls for faculty of management studies, mechanical engineering complex.

Others are, integrated academic planning complex, school of part time programmes  ( Faculty of management studies), department of arts and design, block of classrooms (Koko) campus, department of office technology and management, school of part-time programmes (faculty of science).

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