Our peaceful and cooperate existence as a country rest on our youths ~ says Oyetola - Nation News Lead

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Our peaceful and cooperate existence as a country rest on our youths ~ says Oyetola

Governor, state of Osun Mr Gboyega Oyetola has said that the major determiners of peaceful and Corporate existence of Nigeria as a nation are the youths

According to him,  it is in the area in which youths channel their energy that will determine the strength of a nation as they constitute the most productive segment of the population in every society.

Governor Oyetola stated this on Thursday at the official opening and swearing in ceremony of the NYSC 2019 Batch 'B' orientation programme at NYSC permanent orientation camp, Ede.

Governor Oyetola who was represented by his Deputy Mr Benedict Alabi said any  plan for the future cannot be actualized without the involvement and active participation of the youths.

He tasked the  2019 Batch 'B' Members of the National Youths Service Corps to see the scheme as a privilege to serve and impact positively upon the society.

He also implored them to take with utmost seriousness,  the noble call and dedicate themselves towards achieving the national unity and development which is the ultimate goal of the scheme.

The State Governor acknowledged that the NYSC scheme which was established almost five decades ago has come a long way and it remains a singular institution that has done so much to curb ethnicity, sectionalism and tribalism.

He stated that his administration has resolved to work in synergy with the NYSC leadership in every way possible to ensure the success of the scheme in the state.

Governor Oyetola assured the NYSC corps members deployed in the state of peace and security and to see the state of Osun as home away from home.

He expressed optimism that the one year national youths service would give them the opportunity to enrich their lives and experience with the hospitable, friendly and accommodating  environment which the state provides.

In his words, "I want you to channel your energy,  vigour and drive towards the achievements of lofty ideas and aspirations.

"Abstain from vices such as drug abuse, fraud, kidnapping, robbery, cultism, violence and crimes. These undermine  and  hinder you from being a ray of hope for your generation and the nation.

" I therefore urged you to see yourself as a leading light for the present and future generations. See your mobilization as a privilege to serve and impart upon society positively.

"Complement the gesture of NYSC and the government by being good ambassadors and advocates of peaceful coexistence and the corporate existence of our nation.

 "Dear compatriots, I want you to maximize the platform provided by the NYSC to Foster friendship, understanding, peace and positive cooperation among yourselves and our people irrespective of ethnic, cultural or religious differences. Support, encourage and fully participate in the promotion of this ideal", Governor Oyetola said.

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