9 Foods You Should Avoid After Sex - Nation News Lead

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9 Foods You Should Avoid After Sex

SEXUAL intercourse is principally the insertion and thrusting of the penis, usually when erect, into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction, or both. This is also known as vaginal intercourse or vaginal sex. According to merriam-webster intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis.

In those first moments after you’ve been intimate with someone, you’re probably feeling pretty good. With so much happening and the fact you’re probably tired, it’s no surprise you’re not focussing on what’s going on with your body.
Because sex involves the entire body, you may experience some reactions that seem a little off but are actually pretty normal.

Here’s a list of some of the most common things that can happen to your body after intimacy and why they’re usually nothing to worry about.

Sex can leave you feeling exhausted, but extremely satisfied. So, if you want a repeat performance, you need recovery food or sex stamina food. These sex foods help boost energy levels and replenish the body after intercourse. So, here are a list of sex stamina foods, which you can consume before and after intercourse.

Avoid cheese and bread On the more immediate side of things, cheese and bread don’t digest or absorb well in the body. They’re high in FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols). This means they could leadTrusted Source to high levels of gas or cramps — maybe even during your date!

1. Coffee
2. Cheese
3. Anything too salty
4. Fried and junk food
5. Alcohol
6. Mint
7. Egg
8. Carbonated beverages
9. Soy

1. Coffee

Coffee is commonly known as a delicious energy-boosting drink. Enjoying caffeinated drink in the morning seems to have become a routine. The black is also considered to be a mood enhancer in the day. However, what if coffee is drunk after having sex? Healthy?
Having sex requires energy. Coffee is even recommended for consumption before sex so that men have a high vitality.

However, different from the coffee after having sex. Immediately consume coffee after sex is not recommended. This is because sex eliminates a lot of fluid in the body. Just like exercise, sex is done in normal circumstances and a little time interval to make the body sweat.

Well, while coffee has diuretic properties. After drinking coffee, the body generally feel the urge to urinate. It is the thing that makes consumption of black caffeinated after sex is not recommended. This is because the fear the body will lose too much fluid and can lead to dehydration. Well, dehydration can result in labor for the body. Should after intercourse try to consume water or eat fruits. It is better for health.

Too much caffeine raises your cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. According to Nicole Kasal, a health and wellness coach and founder of Cleanse Culture, high amounts “make it more difficult for your body to relax, and lower your libido.”

2. Cheese

We all know that cheese is high in sodium and fat. Those who have liver or digestion problem, should avoid cheese after sex, as it increases the pressure of the digestive system and is difficult to digest.

3. Anything too salty
However, our bodies react negatively when we consume too much salt, and this can affect our brain, kidneys, arteries and heart. The overuse of salt can cause chemical imbalances that can lead to death.
Salt is the major factor contributing to stroke and heart attacks in South Africa, claiming more lives each year than all forms of cancer combined. The World Health Organization recommends 5g per day; however, it is estimated that South Africans use 8.5g.

Salt increase water retention and bloating explains. Another downside? “Blood flow is what makes an orgasm possible, and too much salt will make it more difficult to get to that point,” says Kasal.

4. Fried and junk food

Fried food, like French fries and hamburger, are serious romance killers! The hydrogenated fats lowers your testosterone levels, and can also cause low quality and abnormal sperm production in men. If you are in mood to impress your partner with take-out dinner, stay away from all fast food joints, especially if you are planning something romantic.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol reads to weakness and dizziness. Wine and beer increases your levels of melatonin, which is also know as the sleep hormone. In fact, it can also cause erectile difficulties, inhibit orgasms, and increase your partner’s chances for premature ejaculation.

6. Mint

While it benefits the digestive system and gets rid of that bad breath, it can also have adverse effects on your libido. Mint produces menthol that cools down the sex drive.

7. Egg

Try to avoid egg yolk, as it is high in fat and cholesterol and eating it right after sex might create uneasiness and restlessness in body.
8. Carbonated beverages
If you’re sensitive to carbonation, stay away from tonic water and sodas, suggests Dr. Kominiarek. Belching is the last thing you want is be doing during a romantic night.

9. Soy

The more testosterone, the higher your sex drive — for both men and women. But excessive amounts of soy in your diet can cause a hormonal imbalance, says Kasal. Case in point: A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who consume 120 milligrams or more of soy a day had a significant decrease in testosterone.
So what should you eat? Kasal likes eggs because “they balance hormones and promote a healthier libido.” Dr. Kominiarek suggests anything high in zinc (oysters, pumpkin seeds) or Omega-3s, like fish and nuts

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