Meet The New Female SUG Presidential Candidate Aku Deborah. - Nation News Lead

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Meet The New Female SUG Presidential Candidate Aku Deborah.

Come Let's Make History Together, For This Dream, I Can't Complement In Isolation.

Upsurge In Calculation For Akulating, Fellow Nigerian Students.

-------  Akulating Vision 19/20.

There's nothing kills an organization faster than the believe of the workers that the same way they worked yesterday is the best way to work today, However, we might think going to the moon was the most scientific project ever, but they lightly  threw us in the direction of the moon why we have to adjust our course every ten minutes, and land only inside fifty feet of our 500-mile radius of our target.

Life like this trip to the moon, is full of constant change and adjustment.

We had in the past flooded with information and starving for revelation, we shall look through the genesis of our problem, exodus away from it by driving you to the rightful sailor.

I've put all eggs of struggle in the basket of God to risk everything together with you and also learn from this course and develop rigorous confidence that will identify you and me as defendants of genuine struggle.

Senior Cadre, Comrades, young erudite and polyvalent students who have been moving the vehicle of our Alma Mater in the rightful direction are all employ to back the belt of this young lady who is flimsy but now looking to relapse in your walls like a says, if I stand so tall, means I have relaxed on the shoulder of the giants.

The golden rule may be obsolete and shows not a sign of wear, To say I haven't come at the right time is the best deceitful word that ever exist, the time is now to awaken the reclining souls and convert ourselves to victorious role model.

E' Student!

E' Soleto!!

I have summoned courage to ride on this macadam full of potholes and coarsed  with several rehearsals to know what it means to rise into an occasion roses by our predecessors, we have been looking towards walking in their moccasins for being champion achievers that drives and ginger our souls, for they've planted something into the nature which I believe it'll repay them back for there unrelinquish efforts in shaping the student unionism.

Arise, come and make history with me, an idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday out of our recollection, and would inturned be supplanted by tomorrow's predecessor, I'm calculating in every steps to make sure that I am the choice for you to leave unforgettable memory in the nous of everyone.

Without your support I have no Arsenal to be declared somebody who came and conquered in the race, you're all needed in my camp to encompass my mission for a sessional destination.


From The Desk Of

Comrade Aku Deborah I says Combatant greetings to you all.

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