Ijesa Youth Forum Felicitates With Nigerians As The Country Marks 59th Anniversary - Nation News Lead

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Ijesa Youth Forum Felicitates With Nigerians As The Country Marks 59th Anniversary

Since 1901 when Nigeria became a British protectorate, colonization lasted until October 1, 1960 when an independent movement succeeded in gaining Nigeria her independence.

October 1, 1963; Nigeria became a republic which was succumbed to military rule in 1966 after a bloody coup d'état. So also, second republic in 1979 which was short-lived by military government till August, 1993 when a new republic was formed and later dissolved in November that same year by the late military dictatorship, General Sani Abacha. On May 29, 1999, a fourth republic was established after 16 years of consecutive military rule which Nigerians enjoy till date.

Today, Nigeria is 59 years as an indivisible country with hundreds of tribes and ethnic groups. Reminisce on where we were and where we are as a country calls for both celebration and sober reflection. The labour of Our past heroes like Dr Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Ahmadu Bello and Others who sacrificed all they had to make Nigeria independent country should not be taken for granted.

There is no gain saying the fact that Nigeria as a country has witnessed tremendous development for the past 59 years most especially in the areas like infrastructure, health system, education, to mention but a few. It is also pertinent to remind the government of the day led by the President and the CommanderUNEMPLOYMENof the Armed Forces, Muhammadu Buhari GCFR on the challenges facing the good people of Nigeria in a time like this, which arehighlighted below:

 INSECURITY: Today, it is clear even to the blind that insecurity is one of the major challenges of the country. Herdsmen menace, Banditry, Kidnapping, Insurgency are order of the day in the country.

 CORRUPTION : Mr President must be applauded for his fight against corruption since his assumption into office in year 2015 which has gained international recognition but as a matter of fact, there is still a lot in this regard as every sector of the economy has been eaten up by the virus called Corruption. From political class to the civil service, corruption needs to be fought without fear or favour. Like Mr President said during his campaign tour prior to 2015 election, "if we do not kill corruption, corruption will kill us."

 BAD ECONOMY: Our economy has been badly affected by both insecurity and corruption. Mismanagement of resources, including poor leadership has contributed in no small measure to the state of our economy today.

 UNEMPLOYMENT : Large percentage of Nigerian population are Youths who are majorly unemployed. It is disheartening and worrisome to spend years in higher institutions and later become bench warmers at home. Today, unemployment has birthed to many social vices like cyber crime/internet fraud, political thuggery, armed robbery, human trafficking, drug abuse, prostitution and so on.

As we mark the 59th independence anniversary as a country, we urge President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR and all our leaders to declare state of emergency on the security of the country; as the primary responsibility of every government is the security of lives and property. Traditional institutions should be strengthened as it the closest to the people while the Armed Forces and other Paramilitary men should be encouraged as and when due so as to boost their morale. When there is improvement in our security system, the country will attract Foreign Investors.

Fight against corruption should not be polarized as no political party is free of corrupt members. All arms of the governments should be rid of corruption, so also all sectors of the economy. Fundamental Rights as contained in the Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution of the country as amended must be well respected but not abuse.

Education from primary to second schools should be made free in every state while tertiary education should be made affordable as this will go a long way in tackling insecurity in the country.

Diversification of economy as being preached by the Federal Government should be adopted by all State Governments and Federal Capital Territory. Nigeria as a country is blessed with both human and natural resources that are capable of boosting economy if maximized. Millions of unemployed graduates and non-graduates can be gainfully employed if government at all levels are ready to embrace farming.

Though, as an indigenous Youth Organization, we deeply appreciate the Social Investment Programs of the present government but alot must be done as the graduates increase almost on a daily basis while Artisans should be empowered.

We use this medium to humbly urge President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR and the 36 State Governors to grant those on N-power scheme and many more jobs at the Civil service as the monthly stipend of thirty thousand naira (#30,000.00) can not sustain their livelihoods.

We therefore urged every Nigerian both at home and in diaspora to remain patriotic by praying for and supporting governments at all levels to build up Nigeria of our dream.

Long Live Ijesa Youth Forum

Long Live Ijesaland

Long Live Osun State

Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria


OWOBORODE Sunday Babatunde


ODEYEMI Sunday Ezekiel

 General Secretary

AJEWOLE Hope Ayoade

 P.R.O. 2

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