Land dispute: Youths drop corpses in the sitting room of the man that exhumed them in Imo - Nation News Lead

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Land dispute: Youths drop corpses in the sitting room of the man that exhumed them in Imo

The drama over the land dispute in Imo state is not over yet as youths drop the corpses exhumed in the house of the man who exhumed them.

Recall that we had earlier reported about a land dispute in Imo state where the rival family exhumed two corpses, three weeks after their burial in Isiozi Umuaka, Imo State on a land the families were having a dispute on and took them to the market square.

The corpses have now been dumped in the sitting room of the man that dug them out.

The corpses are those of a mother and her daughter-in-Law who died 6 and 4 years ago respectively – but couldn’t be buried due to a lingering land dispute – were exhumed by one of the warring parties after they were buried on the land under dispute. .

The man behind the act said he took the step because the case is still in court. He later proceeded to dump their caskets at the market square. However, he got more than he bargained for as aggrieved youth of the community later relocated the caskets to his sitting room.

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