Celebrating Hon. (Chief) Abiodun Owoeye As He Marks Another Glorious Year - Nation News Lead

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Celebrating Hon. (Chief) Abiodun Owoeye As He Marks Another Glorious Year

As we celebrate the former Chairman LGEA Obokun Local Government, Chief Hon. Abiodun Samuel Owoeye today Sunday 22nd December, 2019. It will be ungrateful to ignore his immense sacrifices as a capacity builder with great political echelon, sometimes, we might think going to the moon was the most scientific project ever, but those things literarily throw us in the direction of moon.

God will make one's star to shine so bright so that it'll blind those who never believe you've something tangible to offer them, failure is a general, who was disarmed while his arsenal was taken away because of bad calculations, personal aggrandizement, grandiose, over confidence and ego.

What brings about " Michelangelo and the Marble and this astute man is that, those who never see something good in you does not worth to be part of your dream.

Michelangelo says: I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free, some people are talent waster, dream killer who lays their foundation on bogus, mixes it's sands and concretes with saliva, swears in the name of God, kisses devil and run away with his spoon and forgotten that nemesis will catch up.

Hon.Chief Owoeye is the Michelangelo I referred to, one may take over the future as if he's the only person who knows where the " Goal post were " but there may be some angels in hidden working out that person from nineteen to dozen, Never feel too big, on the road to success, there's nothing like  " ME  but We ". If you're the type of people that believes you can achieve success alone, you don't need the company of others, you're still a big failure.

How many angel have you imprisoned? And do you have a heart to dare your opponent and withdraw his weapons, this is what I learnt from this celebrant today and I compare him with Michelangelo who set free an Angel in the Marble whose owner's says, it's of no use to him.

Long life to you Daddy, this is your time to move on, it's a sorry case working against the mission of great people and the likes who are very patient with the truth that one day it'll unfolds what it enfolded.

Long life and revolution in the land of Obokun, this Goliath we all saw today we shall see no more.

Congratulation as you celebrate your day, and I promise you in the next few months, you'll celebrate in your arena.

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