Winner's Evangelistical Ministry Set To Hold 3rd Annual Convention - Nation News Lead

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Winner's Evangelistical Ministry Set To Hold 3rd Annual Convention

The Winner's Evangelical Ministry, Esa Oke, Osun State is set to hold it's convention, the third in it's series. 

This was contained in a release made available to Newemen in Osun State on Friday 20th December, 2019 and obtained by our correspondent.

The statement reads in parts, "We welcome you in the name of Jesus we preaches to the whole world at large"

"Beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and tremble (Philippians 2vs12)"

"This ministration is sacrosanct to you and me to salvage ourselves from the bondage of evil as this year is running to an end, be guided that you're the temple of God which must not be destroyed because you're the cynosure of thy Father eyes in heaven, note; for God so love the world that gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but to have everlasting life, it's your task too to modify on the temple of God, the same way Moses, Elijah were called you're also appointed."

The statement added that the 3rd Annual Convention would hold at Oja tuntun Area, Ayeso Street, Esa-Oke, Osun State from from 22nd - 24th December, 2019 from 7am -10:30pm daily and it would be in conjunction with All Christian Churches in Esa - Oke and it's Environs with the theme: The Truth Church Of God Hebrew 12 vs 23.

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