Facts Don’t Lie: Asaoni Is An Interloper In Ora - Prince Femi Olanipekun - Nation News Lead

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Facts Don’t Lie: Asaoni Is An Interloper In Ora - Prince Femi Olanipekun

Ora Solidarity Front wishes to restate that the social media propaganda and legal heresay presently being orchestrated by Asaoni Atolagbe using a faceless human right body is an exercise in futility. Rather than resorting to name calling, personality blackmail and shedding crocodile tears, he should hire competent lawyers to argue his case in court of competent jurisdiction and stop patronizing almajiri human right crusaders. His phantom Supreme Court judgment being bandied about is nothing but an imaginary legal victory.

Akesin is the bona fide monarch recognized by law in Ora. Asaoni’s ancestors bore the names Asaoni of Okewu and later for identification purposes, Asaoni of Okewu-Ora. They are minorities in the affairs of Ora and parasites in our history. That he bears the name Asaoni of Ora is an aberration. There must be something shameful about his history and ancestral background, that he is afraid of, to be clinching to Ora our own good name and heritage.
Or why will a man change his name, if there is nothing shady and shameful about his heritage. We will continue to exercise restraints and not allow him to push us to war because of our love and respect for Governor Adegboyega Oyetola. The war he is stoking through his unguarded statements and the aspersions he is casting on our respected sons and daughters as well as notable political figures will not manifest.

We have the living baby; it will not die in our hand. Okewu’s have no stake in Ora, their stakes are in Kesagbe and Oro where their treasures are. Suffice to add that the Asaoni in today’s Oro where they lay claim to as their off shoot (ORO LO TI MOYE WAYE) is a minor chief.
For us, our treasures are in Ora and we will protect it. Our forefathers and ancestors, buried and interred in Ora will not allow us to wage war on our land. Asaoni’s forebears including the immediate past were buried and interred in Kesagbe because Ora has never been their homestead. It is the only link they couldn’t cut off with.

We call on Ora sons and daughters to eschew violence, go about their businesses, should never be intimated and champion the cause of peace, though not at all cost. We thank Asiwaju Yemi Farounbi, Senator Olusola Adeyeye and Apesin Olufemi Omotara for all the good works they have done in our history in terms of developmental initiatives and manpower development. You are our heroes; we will forever believe in you and never malign you as the enemies are doing.

Asaoni Atolagbe and his co-travellers in his sinking ship are on the road to Kigali and will soon meet their Waterloo in the Court of Law. No amount of ill gotten slush fund from land racketeering in an ignoble surveying career in Lagos will pervert the course of justice.
Facts are sacred.

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