Coronavirus: Buhari's Silence And Boko Haram Calmness - Busy Brain - Nation News Lead

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Coronavirus: Buhari's Silence And Boko Haram Calmness - Busy Brain

By: Busy Brain, Kwara State

After the hectic day, somberly, I sat down in my room soliloquising on the pandemic virus touring round the world. Could this be the sign that the world is gradually moving to the end or what is really happening. I asked myself! this has even gone beyond gradual process, if the world is moving to the end through this virus, it is moving with high acceleration. From China to the rest of the world. Countries are closing boarders to halt movements. Economy at the lowest ebb. Sports, mosques, churches, market places, social gatherings, schools and colleges locked down. Who said this is not the sign to the end of the world? I asked myself again with a deep breath.

I was actually brainstorming, if for example this lead to the judgement day, what could be regarded as my savings that would grant me salvation hereafter. Trying to recall my flaws and comparing to my good deeds. To be candid, I am a sinner like other person but I will make heaven. Few seconds later, something whispered to my ears and said: "Busy Brain, stop that gothic thought. You have a long way to go and many dreams to fulfill. Don't let the world end now. Coronavirus has come and it would go by God's grace." It was the  good spirit in me that gave me the courage and cleared my horrible  thoughts. Swiftly, everything fled.

For the fact that am lonely, I couldn't just let go of some things. I was actually picking them one after the other. I was wondering why the whole China who has grown old with grey hairs in technologies could not find a substantial solution to the virus and US, the custodian of nuclear weapons like missile, drone could not deploy any to defeat corona virus. Italy, France, Spain death toll on the rise. The pellucid  solution is a mere guess work of chloroquine, paracetamol, Vitamin C...etc. At this point, I realized I needed  water to step down. What a pity. I shook my head.

I was not only sad but felt embarrassed that Nigerians could politicise a virus that doesn't recognize any political party. The  cross carpeting and 2023 madness  still remains a priority at this dire period. What a shame! Politicians are toying with a pandemic virus that has helped to kill Boko Haram. Since its outbreak, Boko Haram has remained calm and I think their back bones have stopped visiting them for the sake of corona virus. I doubt if the sponsors of Boko Haram members are Nigerians. Who knows? Irrespective of the Country or Region the sponsors might have come from, they will never know peace. I prayed.

At that moment, I was in a maelstrom on why Buhari's silence should be headache. Many people  calling for Buhari's head because he has not addressed the country since the outbreak is of no value. Buhari is not a medical expert. He cannot write his address himself. His speech would be prepared and that cannot change corona virus carriers' status to negative. What Nigerians need as information should come from Ministry of Health and National Centre for Disease Control and  these bodies saddled with that responsibility have been doing absolutely well in sensitization, precaution measures  and media orientation across the country. Whether Buhari addresses the country or not, the great task ahead goes beyond blame game.

Before I rounded up my lonesome adventure, Corona Virus is a clarion call on us and our prayer warriors. The likes of  Reverend Father Mbaka should not only predict the winner of governorship election  but to take active part on the battlefield to combat Covid-19 in 2020. Our Imams are not left out. God Has shown his superiority to the world through Corona Virus. We have to pray to God to bestow His mercy upon. The world is unrest. Sobs...😭😭😭

Busy Brain is an opinion writer, journalist, poet and Public Relations Practisioner. He graduated from the Federal Polytechnic Offa...the fastest growing polytechnic in Nigeria


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