NANS Issue Stern Warning To IPMAN, Threatens To Shutdown Filling Stations - Nation News Lead

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NANS Issue Stern Warning To IPMAN, Threatens To Shutdown Filling Stations

National Association of Nigerian Students NANS ZONE D ably led by Comrade Kalusa issues stern warning to fuel stations across South West over deliberate refusal to reduce pump price in accordance with directive from federal government of Nigeria.

In wake of recent happenings around the globe caused by Corona virus (COVID -19) pandemic which seems to have catastrophically devastate the world economy most especially affecting countries whose economy mainly depend on crude oil which has led to low demand and drop in crude oil prices around the world.

In response to the above, the Federal government of Nigeria verbosely and magnanimously reduced and regulated pump price nationwide effective March 18 2020.

The leadership of NANS ZONED D was perturbed and bewildered when it finds out that most filling stations are outrightly flouting federal directive by not regulating pump price as directed by Federal Government thereby maintaining status quo.

This sprung the leadership of NANS ZONED into action following the nationwide ban on schools, religious activities and any form of social gathering to minimise and as well curb the spread of the deadly virus.

We admonish fillings stations across the zone to desist from inhuman, insensitive, and barbaric act to make life more harder than it is for the populace as any erring stations will be shut down immediately.

Conclusively, the leadership of NANS ZONED D urge the general populace to protect yourself in order to help the federal government in combating the spread of the virus which has claimed more than 13,000 lives across the globe by:

 Washing your hands frequently

👄 Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose

💪 Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze

🚷 Avoid crowded places

🏠Stay at home if you feel unwell - even with a slight fever and cough

🤒 If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early - but call by phone first

ℹ️ Stay aware of the latest information from ministry of health.

Comr. Showunmi Emmanuel Adeolu


  1. God will protect us from this deadly viruses

  2. God will take control of everything all this thing is occured by our sin that we are indulge
