Drama and confusion as trio fight to bury 'husband - Nation News Lead

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Drama and confusion as trio fight to bury 'husband

Mourners were thrown into confusion at the Kerugoya Referral Hospital Mortuary in Kirinyaga County on Wednesday when three women fought over the body of a boda boda rider whom they each claimed was the husband.
The trio scuffled as they attempted to sign the burial permit for the deceased Peter Mwangi, who died in a road accident last week.
The women, Janet Wambui, Lydia Wanjiru and Susan Wakuthii, shoved each other out of the way as they struggled to get into the morgue to get the body, sending the mourners scampering.
Police officers were forced to move in to separate the warring women. At some point they cocked their guns as the fiery trio dared each other to collect the body.
The police then ordered the mortuary attendants not to release the body until the fighting parties came to an agreement.
"Im the first wife of Mr Mwangi and I must bury his remains," shouted Ms Wambui as she sobbed.
And Ms Wanjiru claimed there was a plot to deny her a chance to bury her husband and she had to fight.
"It is my right to bury my husband and no one should block me," said Ms Wanjiru.
Ms Wakuthii said she was at Ngurubani where she stays when she learnt that her husband was being buried without her knowledge.

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