Professor Emeritus "On Merit": UNESCO Ranked/Honoured Prof. Sir Aremu, Crown University Int'l Chartered Inc VC - Nation News Lead

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Professor Emeritus "On Merit": UNESCO Ranked/Honoured Prof. Sir Aremu, Crown University Int'l Chartered Inc VC

By Victor Bieni

ARGENTINA- The Central and South America's Ambassador to United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has Appointed, honored, and inducted the  Vice Chancellor VC,  Crown University International Chartered Inc., World Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Information, Communication and Technology, His Excellency, Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu as Professor Emeritus "On Merit" this month of December, 2019 in Argentina, South America.

This was made known to Newsmen in a Press release from the Office of Vice Chancellor, Crown University International Chartered Inc.( Americas, Ghana and Partner Campuses Worldwide), which the UNESCO Leadership through it's America's Ambassador accorded him a global recognition as a World Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Information, Communication and Technology as Professor Emeritus "On Merit", thereby  introducing him to Governments of different Countries, Nigerian Government,  Agencies and Departments,  International, Regional and Corporate Organizations on his intellectual capabilities to deliver services for global Sustainable development.

 The UNESCO Leadership through its United Nations Ambassador in Argentina, Central and South America had Communicated to the VC before the honor and induction affirming his Appointment into the World of Fame as World Distinguished Professor Emeritus "On Merit", as the confirmation reads thus:  "With virtues of power that vested in me, permit me as a Ambassador of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) for Central and South America , a highly respected umbrella body of the United Nations , I hereby introduce to your government a world renowned Professor of Computer Science, Information and Communication Technology".

" His Excellency, Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu, Professor  Emeritus "On Merit" is the Vice Chancellor, Crown University International Chartered Inc.(Americas, Ghana, and other partner campuses Worldwide),  and Vice President, West Coast University International Chartered Inc., the Vice President, International Centre of Eye Research and Education in South America at Argentina campus".

"UNESCO make it bold to state that this honor is not common in the communities of nations and amongst accomplished Professors in the World".

"His Excellency, Professor Sir, Bashiru Aremu attains this status as stated below:Most Academic Excellent World Acclaimed Distinguished Professor Emeritus "On Merit", Honored  and Ranked ' of  Computer Science, Information, Communication and Technology, President, Centre of eye Research and Education at Argentina, South America".

"As mark or sign of honor according to our ranked and evaluation here, Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu  is a man of honor, great experience, accomplishment in his field, a tool worth using for greater assignments in your country towards the accomplishment your administration's agenda, National Development and global Sustainable Development Goals. We can vouch on his capabilities and talents as of the best intellectuals in the world as a world class Scientist".

"UNESCO is pleased to announce to the whole world, a great academic giant, ICT guru, versatile and world-class figure produced in the history of Nigeria".

Nigeria is blessed with a world renowned Professor Emeritus on Merit who had distinguished himself in the global contexts as adjudged by higher institutions and organizations all over the World".

In the Press release, UNESCO as a United Nations body, was also quoted given underneath  more explanations on the above to distinguish the differences the Nigerian Professor, VC  has made in the Emeritus world of Professors, in addition to the definitions given to Newsmen by the VC on the tittle: "Professor Emeritus On Merit".

The President, Centre of eye Research, Education at Argentina,  and Crown University International Chartered Inc VC Professor  Emeritus "On Merit" Sir, Bashiru Aremu in the press release used the opportunity to explain the term  professor emeritus

 "The term professor emeritus base on merits means abilities, credentials, and consequently experiences and contributions made in the global Contexts", UNESCO Ambassador stated.

"Therefore as a young achiever, recommendations to governments, higher Institutions and non-Governmental organizations all over the world must be a clear testimony, yardstick on the award", Professor Emeritus On Merit, Aremu Stated.

"The achiever must be referenced to Governments, Presidents of Nations all over the World, Agencies,
International Communities, Agencies, Multi-Nationals Senators, Speakers, Ministers, Stakeholders, both National and International non- governmental organizations, Governors for which area means, ways they may need his services as a man of experience", UNESCO Leadership affirmed.

 In the words of Crown University International Chartered Inc. VC,  "Emeritus that is earned or achieved not necessary retired with our vision and mission here because according to the Etymology Ä’mÄ•́rÄ•re is a compound of the Latin prefix Ä“- (a variant of ex-) meaning "out of, from" and mÄ•́rÄ•remeaning "earn"; Ä“mÄ•́rÄ­tus is the past participle of the verb as Emeritus Professor defined in various way".

" You can see more explanations as stated below: Emeritus (/əˈmɛrɪtəs/),[Note 1] in its current usage, is an adjective used to designate a retired Chairperson, Professor, Pastor, Bishop, Pope, Director, President, Prime Minister, Rabbi, Emperor, or other person, In some cases, the term is conferred automatically upon all persons who retire at a given rank, but in others, it remains a mark of distinguished service, awarded only to a few on retirement".

"It is also used when a person of distinction in a profession retires or hands over the position, enabling their former rank to be retained in their title, e.g., "Professor Emeritus".

"The term emeritus does not necessarily signify that a person has relinquished all the duties of their former position, and they may continue to exercise some of them".

"In the United Kingdom and most other parts of the world the term "emeritus professor" is given only to a person of outstanding merit who had full professorial status before he or she retired".

UNESCO Leadership cited instances that, Emeritus Professor is an honorary title, recognising distinguished academic service at the University of Sheffield, also that  it is a prestigious award and is not therefore conferred lightly; the title of Emeritus.

"Professor may be conferred upon fully retired Professors or Honorary Professors who meet the eligibility
Criteria. World Acclaimed Distinguished Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu has carved a niche for himself in the academic world and ICT industries. He possesses a difficult-to-match potentials in research and Education; a World Distinguished and Renowned Professor of ICT with diverse International portfolios".

"We also deemed it necessary to say that he is a man of many abilities, laudable credentials, vast experience and global relevance. On this note, we state categorically that UNESCO has hanoured him and has the mandate to recommend him based on merit and achievements".

"World Acclaimed Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu has been appointed as a principal officer all over the world at higher education institutions and has held the following positions: Vice Chancellor at Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc. (Americas, Ghana, and partner campuses world-wide); Vice President for International Affairs (Vice Chairman International Affairs of Board of Trustees) at West Coast University; Vice President International Affairs (Vice Chairman International Affairs of Board of Trustees) Sastra Angkor University Kingdom of Cambodia; Deputy Director General for Africa and Research".

"Sir Aremu is a Professor at International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, UK. He also held positions as a World Grand Chancellor at the Chartered World Order of the Knights of Justice of Peace; The World Grand President, International Chartered World Learned Society, World Grand President at Africa International Institute for Professional Training and Research, World Grand President, The Chartered World Institute of Encyclopedia of Books Inc., World Distinguished Research Professor and Fellow Editorial International. Advisory Board Member at Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom and several other institutions that have".

"UNESCO had declared him as a World Acclaimed Distinguished Professor by various higher institutions and Organizations world-wide. Personal website:".

"We do not have any reservation in recommending him to Government, Non-Governmental organizations, and Industries that might need his good services. UNESCO will be glad to see you take proper measures towards making Professor Bashiru Aremu relevant".

"In the nation's affairs so as to boost your administration's credibility, probity, transparency, and accountability well projected in the global context full of 21st Century Educational, Scientific and Cultural innovations, ideas, Initiatives for the achievements of United Nations Agenda 2030 and sustainable Development Goals".

"In short, we do not have anything to qualified him than to honor him to the highest rank in academic arena in the world than to bestowed him Professor Emeritus which is the apex rank of education related to his career from beginning up to date as a sign of ranked and honored", UNESCO Leadership affirmed.

The US Ambassador to UNESCO stated further that the appointments of, honor done to  Professor Sir, Bashiru Aremu made with all the Rights, Privileges and Honors, thereunto appertaining, In witness whereof, that the Leadership have caused this document to be issued under the Official Seal of my office as an Ambassador of UNESCO South America and fixed my Signature with subscription of my Name Officially on done on 2nd December, 2019.

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