Economic and security challenges, Oyetola calls for spiritual interventions - Nation News Lead

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Economic and security challenges, Oyetola calls for spiritual interventions

Governor State of Osun Mr Gboyega Oyetola says the prevailing economic and security challenges in the country can be confronted with spiritual interventions.

 He called on all religious faiths to intensify prayers most importantly to teach their adherents on the spiritual, moral and ethical values that will weld the country together.

Governor Oyetola made the appeal on Tuesday during the annual General meeting of Osun State Christians Association of Nigeria OSCAN with a theme, "In Times like this" held at its Secretariat, Owode, Ede.

The Governor who spoke through his Deputy Mr. Benedict Alabi said the church through CAN and other religious faiths must be at the forefront of sensitising the people on the need to continue to live together in peace, love, unity and cooperate with government to fix the untoward situation.

Mr. Oyetola hinted that his governance is anchored on developmental agenda that provides services to the people on adequate, equitable and qualitative basis in a way to bring glory to the Lord Almighty.

He stated that implementation of government agenda will tackle the challenges facing the state and the country and put it on the path of progress and prosperity.

"Challenging times like these are times for Christians and other faiths to work together and realise that in line with the dictates of their beliefs, life's battles are better fought and won on their knees.

"They must carry their adherents along in this exercise, admonishing them to commit their ways to God and avoid mutual suspicion, hatred and religious intolerance and violence".

Governor Oyetola lauded the OSCAN for coming together under one umbrella to consistently, and intellectually intervene in the affairs of the state.

" This intervention is a further testimony to the love you have for our dear state at a time we are working hard as a government to maintain and retain our status as the most peaceful state in the nation".

Mr Oyetola disclosed further that his administration is a product of the benevolence of God and believes so much in the efficacy of prayers saying for this reason, he would continue to direct the affair of state with the fear of God.

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