Nigeria Masses Project (Nimap) Was Borne Out Of Necessity To Change People's Thoughts On Governance - Nation News Lead

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Nigeria Masses Project (Nimap) Was Borne Out Of Necessity To Change People's Thoughts On Governance

By: Comrade Evan Akahson

Where politicians were united to impoverish the people of this country.

We now see the need to come together as one to seek for our right in democracy. Every tribe was affected in this precarious situation, why then can't be united to tackle this monster in the land. You can never use wrong approach to solve wrong situation.

There is no doubt Nigeria is moving on a trouble lance boat if care is not taken, it will capsize. To bring a true change in Nigeria we must change how we think.

Our leaders today are all products of the society, things remain the way it is because they were all having a poor understanding of leadership. We should ask ourselves why so many years after independent Nigeria is still moving at a snail speed. Still looking for unity and still laying their heads on tribalism.
It is time we the Masses should apply new approach is only a mad man will be doing something in the same old way and expect new result. Do we truly have the vision to move this country forward?

 If we can not see beyond tribal sentiments, religious begotry and hating each other vision to me is a faculty or state of being able to see beyond you. What ever you say is a product of your mind.

We all know in Nigeria today our leaders prey on innocent Nigeria's by steeling and looting the common wealth of the people. We need competition of ideas in Nimap and Nigeria at large to tackle this monster and not glowing on tribal tendencies.

 This is time to make sacrifices by all in Nigeria if we must achieve our aim and objectives. No man can achieve great success who is unwilling to make personal sacrifices. You can not have a cross without a victory neither a conquest without a battle.

 Franklin Roosevelt said; The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubt of today. Lets forgive each other to move Nigeria forward.

Larry Bielat once said; He who cannot forgive destroys the bridge over which he may one day pass.
There is a time to let things happen and there is time to make things happen. The wise purify their thoughts.

Comrade. Evan Akahson Is The President Of Nigeria Masses Project (NIMAP).


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