The Impecunious Health System In Nigeria Is In Unimaginable Level - Evan Akahson - Nation News Lead

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The Impecunious Health System In Nigeria Is In Unimaginable Level - Evan Akahson

The citizens have lost right to good medical care· The Coronavirus which was reported to have started from Wuhan China is hiting them and some other countries very hard·

We were made to understand that the virus was caused by a member of Coronavirus family that has never been encountered before It was said to come from animals·

According to the report it was said that those who were initially infected either worked or frequently shopped in the Huanan seafood market where they deal on wholesale·

Nigeria citizens in China have been calling for Nigeria government to bring them back to Nigeria and our government has never done anything towards bringing them back home·

Now that the members of the House of Representatives have lend their voice towards bringing them back is a welcome idea· I support the move to evacuate Nigerians living in China back home, Our leaders here do not do things at the right time may be they are waiting when some Nigerian citizens over there contacts the virus·

A country like Saudi Arabia have sent airplanes to evacuate her nationals·

It is high time our leader's begin to take the life of Nigerians very serious, This virus was being reported as worse than influenza Nigeria's must be worried as not to allow their fellow Citizens in China to be affected·

It is a fact that Nigeria health officers do not know how dangerous this Coronavirus is, why the government has not been able to put up facilities to prevent and to check mate this virus?
Government health officers should by now put up emergency care areas should there be any report and there should be updated knowledge effective communication with the affected country's·

The early indentification of medical and subsequent effective management will help to save the patient's life· There should be procedural skills with trained medical staff with updated equipments· The early indentification of medical and subsequent effective management will help to save the patients life·

Corona virus as was reported is Zoonotic it can also be passed from person to person·
Nigeria government must stand up to address the challenges in health system the inability to effectively address the country's numerous public health challenges has contributed to the persistent and high level of poverty and deblitated health system·

To get a better health system there must be political stability the nation must be corrupt free there must be strong institution and the econonmy must be made fortuitous. At this period the Center for Disease Control and prevention CDC in Nigeria must work closely with world health Organisation (WHO) to monitor the virus·

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