Ospoly: SUG President Speech Delivered On The Occasion Of 100 Days In Office In Conjunction With SUG Cup Final By Com. Raji Kehinde Ademola (Kenraj) - Nation News Lead

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Ospoly: SUG President Speech Delivered On The Occasion Of 100 Days In Office In Conjunction With SUG Cup Final By Com. Raji Kehinde Ademola (Kenraj)

Today marks the dawn of another historical mil
estone in the history of students union government of this great citadel of learning, it is therefore worthy to appreciate the most merciful, omnipotent, omniscient God.The one that has given me the opportunity and privilege to serve as subjected of New Era at this point in time. This becomes pertinent when one realizes the fact that the cloud that gather before, during the cause of this  administration gave us lot of concern, but with God, the cloud rise to unprecedented brightness.

To God all alone be the glory,the one who have destined me to be and serve humanity in this little capacity as the Grand commander of all aluta fraternity as far as osun state polytechnic, Iree is concerned in the last 100 days in this administration.

I wouldn't have been chance to pilot the affairs to this notable stage of this administration, if not with the help, support, cooperation and commitment of my ever gallant and uncorruptible co- executive who have deem it fit to hold the pillars of the regime firm..

It is on this note,I acknowledge and commend the effort and ingenuity of Dean Student affairs, Alahji Raimi M.A and all the personnel working under Directorate of student affairs at large for their immeasurable support before and during this administration.

As a union leader, we.are not the enemies or foes to the management but rather partners in progress towards development and building greater ospoly together, with this we should not be seen as working at Cross purpose but as a co- achievers and developers towards the dry bone of ospoly to rise again.

At this juction, I will like to express my profound appreciation to all my amiable union leaders and stakeholders across all level and most especially the Students of osun state polytechnic, iree for giving this administration unprecedented support, cooperation and establishing peace, harmony and spirit of oneness ever since the inception of this administration.

It is pertinent that Students should be aware that the present administration is facing serious and numerous challenges both within and from external forces but through the grace of God that strengthened us, we were able to manage it as a union. In the process of battling with challenges, we have been able to put all strengths and efforts together in acquiring these exceptional achievements in less than 100 days in office.

As we celebrate 100 days in office today, we have been able to flash back to count achievements because if not worthy of an achievement there won't be a room for celebrating today's occasion.

These underlisted achievements we have been able to secure in less than 100 days of this administration:

-Exceptional orientation program

The orientation program organized by the student union government on the 9th of dec to 13th of December, 2019 was first of it kinds in the history of osun state polytechnic, iree. It was encompassed with a lucrative and human capacity development in which;

Day 1 was tagged 'meet your rector' which happened to be a peresial ground and avenue for Students who want to speak or ask the authority directly the state of campus.

Day 2 was tagged 'oratory contest', this program was organized aiming to find oratory potentials in our student and to build future public speakers

 Day 3 was tagged 'public lecture', also organized aiming to acquire knowledge beyond the four wall corners of the classroom..

Day 4 was tagged 'google training', which was as well organized to train and input skills in students on networking so as to be independent after campus life.

Day 5 was tagged 'fresher's night's was which organized to elevate the crucified social activities among the student with the aim of curbing depression, frustration and social vice's.

- Alternative training pitch

In less than 100 days, this administration pleaded from the management to procure alternative training field in order to maintain and sustain the main pitch and it has been opened for usage.

-No more delay in result processing

After rigorous and several section of dialogue with the management, we concluded that our result will be seen before commencing another semester exams and this policy has justify itself in recent time, now we see our result before commencing on another semester exams

-Subsidizing photocopy, printing and registration fee

This government of the day have been able to secure three computer centres to subsidise the price of photocopy to be as low as #5, printing at the rate of #50 naira while registration at #500 differ from other computer centres. Those who patronize these three computer centres at SUB can testify the dividends

-NHIS Accredited Hospital

Sequel to the payment of T-ship, before the accredited hospital was located at Inisa, but this administration demanded that it should be located within Iree community. Behold, the NHIS accredited hospital is now located at Eyin-ade area, iree. We urge students to go there for treatment along side with their means of identity. You are liable not to pay for the treatment.


This administration was able to produce Olatunji Nurudeen Ishola as National Association of Nigeria Students Zone D South-West Nigeria Public Relation Officer on December 7th, 2019 at Yaba College of Technology, Lagos State.

-Beffiting SUG annual football competition

The student union annual football competition 2019/2020 academic session which has proven itself to revive and transform the sporting activities in ospoly to a more standardized one, it is important to let you know that the update of each match was publicized on three different popular radio stations in osun state.

All these aforementioned achievements has caused us sweats in doing justice to our electioneering promises, with time, we will surely meet your expectations. We cannot be distracted with these achievements rather than to intensify us to do more.

I am here today in my unrepentant and fervent belief in the victory and supremacy of light over darkness, of the triumph of democracy and meritocracy over mediocrity and of the acceptability of logic over irrationality.

A meticulous and painstaking survey of political scenario reflects a low level of political consciousness. This sterile psychological variable has been largely characterized by attitudes of passivity and mentality.

That our Union is structurally dilapidated is an axiomatic fact. This administration unequivocally renounces and exercises the demons of political phobia, the culture of silence and the tradition of fear and intimidation on campus. We in no ambiguous terms reject sabotage, treachery, conspiracy, inertia, fraud and docility.

We decry the incessant victimization, brutalization, extortion, injustice and oppression. The chase should stop.

The time for political rhetoric is gone. Pragmatism is our watchword.

It is important to emphasize that a time like this demands strong minds, great heart and ready hands. Men whom the lust of office does not kill, men whom the spoil of office cannot buy, men whom will not lie, men who can stand as a demagogue and illuminate the path to progress, development and betterment, men with sustainable ideas, who live above the fog in public duty and in private thinking.

Fellow compatriot ospolites, at this crucial stage, your maximum support is what we need to do beyond exceptation as we promise to run all inclusive administration i.e all power belongs to the masses.

On this occasion of 100 days in office and in conjunction with the student union government annual football competition finals wish the best team wins the trophy.

In conclusion, it is on this note I urge ospolites to shun examination malpractice in the forthcoming first semester examinations and promote peace coexistence within and outside the campus.

My name is Raji kehinde Ademola, the students union president 2019/2020 academic session and Grand commander of aluta of osun state polytechnic, iree.

Long live osun state polytechnic, iree.

Long live state of osun

Long live federal republic of Nigeria

Aluta continua, Victoria acserta

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