College Provost Dies Of Obstacle - - Nation News Lead

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College Provost Dies Of Obstacle -

Provost of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) Nnewi, Anambra State, Prof. Okwudili Udemezue is dead.

Udemezue, who was elected into the position in October 2018, allegedly died of diabetes and COVID-19 obstacle.

The news on Thursday lob the community into mourning.

Nationnewslead assembled that the departed was admitted into the isolation centre of the hospital on Saturday on suspicion, but his COVID-19 status was confirmed on Wednesday.

“He had diabetes and symptoms of COVID-19. His COVID-19 status was confirmed on Wednesday. He was admitted in our isolation centre last Saturday,” a source from the institution said.

Confirming the incident, Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC), Dr. Joe Ugboaja, said he could not confirm that the provost died of the COVID-19 as the sample of the test was still being awaited.

The university’s Acting Public Relations Officer, Chika Eneh, also confirmed the death, but said the institution was yet to receive the proper report of the death.

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